Monday, March 26, 2012

Yale University vs. Coney Island

The second set of photos from my trip, (there are many more, but I'd rather tell you about things in the present next time, rather than nearly a month ago!) to make things more exciting, I have decided to only show you black and white ones.

The Old School at Yale University.

The "unofficial" motto - the "official" motto is "Lux et Veritas" (Light and Truth)

One of the colleges - all built in the Gothic style, but ever so slightly more modern.

Now, onto Coney Island. The American School Friend was a little concerned that so little was open and thought I might be disappointed. I was not. I was delighted. No crowds, and empty, "dead" rollercoasters to photograph.

Cyclone - a rollercoaster, which originally opened in 1927

Wonder Wheel price board

Landmarked Pavillion

Boardwalk, pier and shelter.

Thus concludes the American Holiday of 2012.


  1. Beautiful photos - feels like I'm there too!

  2. Thank you, I was cheered to read your compliment (and I resisted the urge to play it down!)
