Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chilli Cumin Cornbread - - Home Sweet Home Bake Along (13/100)

This is definitely an unusual bake - the 20g of cumin that starts the recipe, had me wondering if a trailing zero had been added by accident. 20g of cumin is a lot. It gives what is a traditional American recipe a rather more eastern feel.

I think the sweetcorn adds moisture, but is a somewhat strange thing to encounter if you are unsuspecting when biting into this bread.

Something very strange happened to my loaf in the oven - it came out a little, well, odd, in shape. Dear Papa called it "pregnant," I thought it resembled a slipper and Pigling, first questioned if it was alive and then described it, most amusingly, as, "Flubber Cornbread."

Either way, it is a tasty recipe, and another one I probably would not have baked if we weren't doing the whole book.

Currently undecided on whether I'll bake again. If I do - will definitely be adding more chilli, and probably serving with curry!

20g (twenty, not a typo) of cumin seeds
150g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
50g soft light brown sugar
60g coarse polenta (I used maize meal, because, well, that's what I had. It's probably the same *shrugs*)
1/2 tsp chilli flakes (adjusted to taste)
1 tsp maldon sea salt
pinch of ground black pepper
2 large eggs
90g soured cream
100ml whole milk
120g tinned sweetcorn


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I'm entering this in #CookBlogShare


1 comment:

  1. I love cornbread but not with actual corn in it! As for the cumin I must say I think 20g is too much! But like you say it probably goes well with curries rather than Mexican food! #CookBlogShare
