Sunday, October 16, 2016

Home Sweet Home Bakealong (63, 64 and 65 /100)

I have a confession to make. I completely forgot to take a picture of the grasshopper cupcakes! I had the opposite icing problem to Gill - I under whipped my cream and when I added it to the custard, it was all a bit soft and flowy, making for some very interesting eating at home group. So admire Gill's and pretend mine were as pretty.

The marshmallows, however, were very pleasing - I flavoured mine with peppermint and they were like candy cane goodness in cloud form. Once again I remembered how unpleasant hot gelatine smells (no illusions left about its origins!)

I think I slightly underbaked my sponge for the roulade - it ended up rather slumped rather than spiral, but ooh, wasn't it tasty.

Not on the bakealong, I also made some jaffa cakes. These were disconcertingly like "real" jaffa cakes... Only bigger!

Next up: Chocolate and peanut butter cookies